Dog ate chocolate?

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Puppy Strangles.

Species: Dog
Breed: Italian Mastiff
Age: Less than 3 mon
litter of 12 puppies were born on April 13th and now 4 are showing signs of lumps full of pus on their necks. All are still eating normal, playing, learning to growl and seem healthy. What would be the cause?

Online vet, Dr. Marie

Dr. Marie replied:

It sounds like what you are describing may be something called "puppy strangles". This is a very serious, life threatening condition. It often can be treated with steroids prescribed by a vet. Hopefully they will be able to see a vet soon!

Dr. Marie.

---This question was asked in our Ask A Vet For Free section.---

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Disclaimer: Although Dr. Marie is a qualified veterinarian, the information found on this site is not meant to replace the advice of your own veterinarian. and Dr. Marie do not accept any responsibility for any loss, damage, injury, death, or disease which may arise from reliance on information contained on this site. Do not use information found on this site for diagnosing or treating your pet. Anything you read here is for information only.

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Dr. MarieDr. Marie is a veterinarian who practices in a busy animal hospital in Ottawa, Ontario. She created Ask A Vet Question as a resource for good, accurate veterinary advice online. Dr. Marie treats dogs, cats, hamsters, guinea pigs, and rats. She has been a vet since 1999.

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