Merrick Pet Foods has just announced a recall on all lots of Jr. Texas Taffy pet treats. There is a possibility of Salmonellla contamination.
Symptoms of salmonella poisoning include lethargy, vomiting, diarrhea and fever. The symptoms can affect pets, or even people who have handled contaminated treats. No illnesses have been reported so far.
A dog in Japan has been trained to sniff out cancer. The Japan Times is reporting about a 9 year old labrador retriever who has been successfully trained to find cancer. The dog named Marine was given 300 samples to smell. In one test, she was given five containers containing breath samples of a patient with colon cancer. She chose the correct sample 33 out of 36 times. In smelling fecal samples, she found the sample from people with cancer 37 out of 38 times. Researchers hope that they can determine what causes cancers to produce a unique smell. This will hopefully aid in early cancer detection in the future. ...
A woman in the UK adopted a Jack Russell Terrier from the shelter recently. She kept him for a week and then returned him. The reason given..."He clashed with her curtains." Read the full story in The Telegraph.
200 Cows in Wisconsin have died mysteriously. The University of Wisconsin-Madison is reporting that the cause of the deaths was moldy sweet potatoes. Tests on the feed samples found a mycotoxin called ipmeanol. It was originally thought that a respiratory virus was the culprit. ...
Recently 5000 birds were found dead in Arkansas. CNN is reporting that autopsies of the birds showed that the cause of death was not bacteria, viruses, heavy metals, pesticides, or chemicals. Instead, it was determined that they died from blunt force trauma.
It is believed that fireworks confused the birds and caused them to fly into mailboxes, trees, houses, and power lines.
Dr. Zoe D Katze, Ph.D., C.Ht., DAPA has several degrees. She is certified by the National Guild of Hypnotists, the American Board of Hypnotherapy, and the International Medical & Dental Hypnotherapy Association. And she is a cat. Dr. Steve Eichel (human, and owner of Dr. Katze), successfully helped Zoe obtain these degrees online in attempt to expose online learning schemes. Read the full story here....
The AKC announced the top 5 dog breeds in several major cities. The top 5 in Boston are the Labrador Retriever, Golden Retriever, German Shepherd and in a tie for 5th were the Bulldog and Boxer. For the top 5 breeds in other major cities, check out the AKC Website.
A lizzard the size of an alligator has been found wandering the streets in California. ...
A recent study showed that 96 per cent of male toads abandonded their breeding site 5 days before the earthquake that hit L’Aquila in Italy in 2009. The theory is that the toads are reacting to changes in the ionosphere that happen prior to an earthquake....
It's hard to get a breed recognized by the American Kennel Club, but 3 breeds have recently succeeded in this task! The new breeds recognized are the Entlebucher Mountain Dog, the Norwegian Lundehund, and the Xoloitzcuintli (Mexican Hairless). You can read more about this story in The Globe and Mail.
Ohio will now be using pentobarbitol to execute prisoners who have received the death penalty. The previously used drug, thiopental is on short supply. Pentobarbitol is the drug that most vets use to euthanize cats and dogs. Read more in the Wall Street Journal. ...
Wilson, a yellow lab in Ohio, was formerly a rescue dog. He now works at the Fawcett, Oliver, Glass and Palmer Funeral Home providing comfort to grieving people. You can read more about how Oliver has been received in the Lancaster Eagle Gazette. ...
[caption id="attachment_71" align="alignright" width="75" caption="Owl"][/caption]
What an amazing story of survival! Poor Oliver the Owl was hit by a truck travelling down the highway. He traveled 140 miles holding on to the grill of the truck with his talons. When he was discovered by the drivers, they were able to take him to the RSPCA where he is now receiving treatment. Read the full story here.
Rinderpest is a horrible disease that can affect cattle and is usually life threatening. The disease was known to kill entire herds of cattle. It is now believed that the disease has been completely eradicated. Read more at UPI.com.
A new study discusses the dangers of sleeping with a pet in your bed. Although rare, it's possible to get cat scratch disease, meningitis or even the plague just from having a pet in your bed. Read the full story at USA Today. ...
A man in Wisconsin found a cat in a tree and couldn't get him down. The cat has lived there for 7 months and gets fed salami and meatloaf every day.
...A study performed at Auburn University tested 4 common heartworm preventatives: Heartgard Plus, Interceptor Flavor Tabs, Revolution, and Advantage Multi. The study found that only Advantage Multi was 100% effective against dirofilaria immitis (heartworm). Read the full story here. ...
Gibson the dog is finally home after being trapped on the ice for 5 days.