This may the most unusual recall I have written about so far. Petco announced this week that they were recalling some metal dog food bones because of small amounts of radiation that is in the metal!
The recall affects the following bowls:
The above bowl is called a 3.75 c Deep Two Tone Notip bowl with a product number of 1047493 found on the bottom of the bowl.
The above bowl is called a 3.5 cup no-tip SS hammered bowl and has the product number 1386956 on the bottom of the bowl.
The above bowl is described as a 7 cup no-tip two tone bowl and has a product number of 1047477 on the bottom.
According to Petco, the foreign supplier who made these bowls used stainless steel that contained small amounts of Cobalt-60. Cobalt 60 is a radiation source that can be used for sterilization of medical equipment, in medical radiation therapy and also in the creation of xrays. Petco feels that the majority of bowls containing this radiation did not get sold. For many, the radiation was detected at the border and not allowed into the country. Even more were removed from the shelves before they could be sold.
According to Petco, the amount of radiation that these bowls are emitting is extremely tiny. Their press release indicates that you would have to hold one of these bowls to your chest for six and a half days in order to get the same amount of radiation as an x-ray. The Illinois state government feels that these bowls do not pose any immediate health risk.
This is just a bizarre story. Have you been affected? I’d love to hear your thoughts!