Questions about cats:

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unknown question:Yesterday I noticed my cat acting strange. She has been walking with her tail very close to her body, which she never does. Marley always walks with her tail straight up. She has been hiding, and stay...

Domestic Shorthair question:One cat is 13 pounds and 7 years old. He is heavy, but it doesn't look or feel like fat. So I'd like to maintain that weight. He isn't very active. My other cat is 10 pounds and about 1 1/2 years o...

Shorthair question:I have been caring for Sox, a feral. Awhile back Sox started coughing on and off after being exposed to a cat with a respiratory thing. (That cat is now fine.) Sox started sounding a bit "snotty". ...

DSH question:Hello, Our cat Chester had a tumor removed, sarcoma, about the size of a large golf ball, fiberous type tumor, just forward of his right hip. This was about two months ago. now, there are lumps coming...

DSH question:Hi Dr. Marie. I took my cat to the Vet on Thursday for 6 month blood work. She is on methimazole for thyroid. All returned normal except thryoid level slightly elevated. She seemed fine when she re...

Main Coone question:Hello. I found a small bump on my cat's throat a few months ago. It has gotten slightly larger since then. No other information on this bump. Do you know what this might be? (Photo sent via email.) Thank you for your time. -Nikole

N/A question:Dear Dr. Marie, I have a question for Fei Meow again. As Fei Meow is very happy to eat wheat grass, I am trying my little effort to see if it is ok for him on l/d diet. On July 2012, ALT from ...

Domestic shorthair question:I have a question about asthma and heavy breathing General background: Okara will be 10 years old this fall. I've had her since she was about 5 weeks old. She was a semi-feral rescue from a dog po...

Tabby question:My cat has low levels of histolytica. I was informed it was common and not necessary to treat at this time. If there were symptoms then it would become necessary they went on to say. I love my vet ver...

Mixed Breed question:My female cat, Patches, has been with me since I was young. She has never been to a vet and only went outside before I got her. She is about nine or ten years old(I'm not sure since we never really ce...

Turkish van question:Hi, my cat is 13 and 1/2 years old. He was diagnosted hyperthyorid 2 1/2 months ago. He is on transdermal Methimazole twice a day. For the first 30 days he was on 2.5 mg morning and 2.5 mg at night. A...

Himalayan question:Hi. My 5 month old kitten (Macy) has been trying to nurse from my 8 month old cat (Lola) since I brought the kitten home at 6 weeks of age. I believe the older cat is now producing milk. Is this poss...

Domestic Short Hair question:Hello, Dr. Marie. I'm actually asking this question for my parents about their cat, Josie. She's going to be 13 years old in a few days, and she has stopped eating. She's always been pretty fussy ...

long hair question:If my cat tested positive for FeLv should he still get vaccine boosters like fvrcp, aren't those dangerous, are they "alive" or "dead"? Also can i give a cat who has Fiv the FeLv and fvrcp boosters? Actually to be simple: can a cat with a weak immune system receive those boosters? Will those give him the "unwanted" disease? Thank you

Grey and White question:We found a cat that we have decided to keep. We have had all his shots, Neutered and had him tested with worms and treated. We have had him on antibiotics because of excessive diareha and blood in sto...

short hair domestic question:Taz is 15 years old. For the past couple weeks I have noticed that her right eye is strange...meaning the pupil looks larger than the other eye and it looks like a film is covering the whole eye. She ...

Domestic Shorthair question:I recently put our beloved cat Benny to sleep after a tragic event that I am describing in this post. At the time I put Benny to sleep I absolutely felt that I had made the correct and humane decisio...

dlh tortie question:Holly was diagnosed with the Corona Virus when she was only a few months old. It appears to be mutating into FIP :( Yesterday she had an ultrasound done and the results showed that she had inflamation...

Domestic Shorthair question:My 16-hr-old neutered male cat is diabetic (since 2008) Was recently prescribed Metronidazole for treatment of Inflammatory Bowel Disease. Can Cerenia be used in place of Metronidazole - he REALLY hates it - makes him drool and slobber for several minutes after I administer the oral liquid. Thanks. Or any other medicine similar to Metronidazolel

abyssinian question:Dear Dr Marie, Thank you for creating this website. I have a 12 year old male abyssinian cat with a constipation problem. He lives indoors, with no other animal, and eats cat tins. He has dry food a...

Calico question:About 2 weeks ago, I started noticing that Mietzi's right pupil would always stay quite large, even when the left one was narrowed. She never paws at her eye or acts like she is experiencing discomfo...

Domestic question:My 4 year old cat, who normally is a great eater, isn't eating much at all. She also has been vomiting more than usual. It used to be once a month that she would vomit, now it's weekly. She's also ...

Mix question:Hello about 2 weeks ago my 12 year old cat was sleeping soundly when he woke up suddenly and started to fling himself around. He could walk straight he was sideways. This lasted about 1 minute. Toda...

DSH question:I run a very small rescue. I have about 10 cat cages that I utilize. I had four kittens in my care, recently just adopted out one kitten. The kitten was very small, about 16 weeks. Had all shots, ...

Siamese mix question:I adopted my cat about 1.5yrs ago. When I adopted her I was told she was 3 yrs old; however, I have had two vets tell me since she is actually around 8yrs or 9-10yrs. She had mites when I adopted her ...

female/tuxedo question:First, thank u for your input on my cami that past on previous husband had given her to me years ago but he passed 2yrs ago from cancer which made it even harder because it was like part o...

FEMALE/TORI question:Hi, I tried to send email this morning but some how pay pal didn't take me to right page so I typed my question on the free one,,i finally got an email back from paypal giving me this link so just ign...

Mixed domestic breed question:Hi Dr Marie, Hicks is 17 years old now. Still moderately active. 2 years ago, she was diagnosed with marginal kidney problem through a blood test. Unfortunately, she is very fierce and impossible t...

dsh question:ivay is a diabetic last blood test 3 weeks ago was 21 he has gained 5 lbs since jan I am giving him lantus insulin 3 units in morning and 2 in evening I am usung a u-100 syringe (same as mine) he wants to eat continually and he is having problems jumping up now with his weight I am watching his food intake but nothing seems to helpwhat can I do for him

domestic short hair question:just found you, wish we had found you earlier. maybe kitty will still be with us when you get this, any advise given from the heart will be greatly appreciated. we have no money so a vet is out of the...

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Search Ask A Vet Question:

Dr. Marie was quick to respond and thorough in suggesting treatment for my cat. I am so thankful- I have been so worried about my cat. Now I have additional options to discuss with my vet.

The service was incredibly fast and the vet's suggestions were right on target. This was incredibly helpful given that none of the vets in my area, mine now included, will take off hours calls now.

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Dr. MarieDr. Marie is a veterinarian who practices in a busy animal hospital in Ottawa, Ontario. She created Ask A Vet Question as a resource for good, accurate veterinary advice online. Dr. Marie treats dogs, cats, hamsters, guinea pigs, and rats. She has been a vet since 1999.

Is an online vet visit just as good as a trip to your veterinarian? No! But, many times, asking an online veterinarian a question can help save you money. While Dr. Marie can't officially diagnose your pet or prescribe medications, she can often advise you on whether a vet visit is necessary. You can also ask Dr. Marie for a second opinion on your pet's condition.