Questions about kittens:

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domestic short hair question:I have two kittens, 6 mo. today. Both have received all vaccinations/shots. We had some dietary changes with them and I thought this to be the cause but am worrying it may be a larger issue. They've...

Bengal cat question:My just over 3 month old, 100% indoor kitten has some crustiness on both tip/edge of his ears. One ear has it all along the edge. There isn't any blood but some definitely crustiness and hardness. His...

Siamese question:Hello I work at the humane society. We recently adopted out a 13 week old long haired Siamese mix. This kitten was an orphan but was doing really well when he came in at 6 weeks old. This kitten di...

Stray Cat question:Hello Marie, thanks in advance. (Sorry for the English we are from Finland) We'found a very young mother cat with 5 kittens, the kittens are 6 week old, they got fleas so we put them flea powder for ...

Himalayan question:Hi. My 5 month old kitten (Macy) has been trying to nurse from my 8 month old cat (Lola) since I brought the kitten home at 6 weeks of age. I believe the older cat is now producing milk. Is this poss...

Grey and White question:We found a cat that we have decided to keep. We have had all his shots, Neutered and had him tested with worms and treated. We have had him on antibiotics because of excessive diareha and blood in sto...

DSH question:I run a very small rescue. I have about 10 cat cages that I utilize. I had four kittens in my care, recently just adopted out one kitten. The kitten was very small, about 16 weeks. Had all shots, ...

domestic short hair question:just found you, wish we had found you earlier. maybe kitty will still be with us when you get this, any advise given from the heart will be greatly appreciated. we have no money so a vet is out of the...

n/a question:Hello Marie, I am contacting you again to ask a question about a part of my cat cleaning protocols that I recently set up to prevent and manage diseases such as parvo and upper respiratory diseases...

Maine Coon question:We have only had goliath for 5 months. all my other cats I would give them a little canned plus always have dry out for them. he loves it but after trying different kinds it seems to bothre him with d...

mutt question:Hi there. I've spent an hour or more doing research about this online, and I'm at a loss. So I seek your help. I work for a large animal rescue. We are in an area with snakes, spiders, scorpion...

Sphynx question:Dear Dr. Marie, We are heartbroken. Our 5 MONTH old spyhnx kitten passed away suddenly this past Sunday. We can't sleep, haven't gone to work because we are so distraught about the loss. Here'...

Domestic short hair question:Hi. I adopted a cat and she was doing fine. I noticed that she was loosing hair in the tip of the tail and scratching her ears. I took her to the vet and she had ear mites, ear infection and a fungu...

short-haired tabby c question:Yesterday my two indoor 6 month old cats started limping and favoring their dominant paw. The mother is not experiencing this issue. There are no cuts or visible sweeling in their paws. The bigger...

feline question:My cat is 21 years old. I HAVE had her to the vet 3 times now with open sores on her head. They give me antibiotics which work for about 2 weeks. I am using aloe vera (the plant) on her right n...

common question:My kitten and I live in Democractic Republic of Congo. Today, a vet administered an Ivermectin vaccine. Pungu did well at first but is now ataxic, non-responsive, vomited, loss control of bladder, and difficult to get a response to vigorous rubbing. I need home treatment. The road has been washed out and I am unable to get to the town where the vet lives.

Domestic Moggy question:Dear Doctor Haynes, I started looking after a stray young tomcat (who I presume was around 3 – 4 months old) at the beginning of this week. He spent most of Monday and Tuesday sleeping on...

British Shorthair question:Hello, My cat is verified (80% confirmed) to infect FIP(wet type). The vet told me that the death rate of FIP is 100%. I want to know if there is any exception? If there is any case of recovery? ...

Maine Coon question:My cat is being lethargic her poop is runny she isnt eating much or drinking much she is having trouble moving what could be wrong?

unknown question:My 4 week kitten was abandoned by his mom when he was a few days old. He is very energetic and loves to play. and is always on the move, jumping and flipping. we feed him every 5 hours 2 tablespoons o...

Domestic Mix question:I have a 4mo old kitten who has had diarrhea 2 days and threw up last night. No change in her food but she wasn't that interested in eating this morning (although I hear her nibbling at the dry food n...

seal point himalayan question:Hello, I noticed today that the kitten has a hard bone like rounded bump right where her ribcage meets in the center, I never noticed it before, and she doesn't seem to be in pain or it bothering her....

Tabby question:I accidentally treated my kitten with a store bought flea treatment meant for dogs and she began have serious muscle tremors. I immediately washed her with Dawn dish soap and rushed her to our vet. He...

DSH question:I recently adopted Bell (female) and Sid (6 month old male from a local animal shelter. Both were seen last week by the vet the shelter uses. They were both fixed and had received their vaccines. They...

I have no idea question:My cat accidentally got pee on himself after we had to take him somewhere in his kennel. I was wondering, is it safe to use baby shampoo on him to get him clean and get the smell out?

Domestic Medium Hair question:Hi there, I have spoken to you in the past, and am looking for a little advice today. Around a month ago, we lost our 18 month old cat to what turned out to be a ruptured bladder from struvite c...

DSH cat question:my 4 month old male cat, desexed vaccinated and everything one more shot to go tho. His neck is really swollen, it started of like it was a swollen gland but it has gotten bigger and is travelling around under his neck, its like soft but alot of pressure is under there. I cant get to the vet till Wednesday. Eating drinking fine, sleeping alot more. got into the fish tank water aswell.

Unknown question:We are trying to decide when to get our male kitten spayed. He is around 2 months old now (was a rescue, so not sure of exact age). There seems to be a lot of debate about whether to desex early, or l...

don't know but not p question:Hi, I have a 4 month old kitten. I found her when she was about two months. I took her to the vet and she got some shots. shortly after she got a bad cold. Took her to the vet again and vet put her on...

calico cat question:I got a kitten on Monday. They said she is about 5 or 6 weeks old. For the first three days, she was active and playful, hopping around, biting at my finger, etc. When I got home from work last night, she was limping on her front left paw, but would still eat. Now she won't eat or drink and is having tyrouble standing. Fell over into her food plate when I tried to feed her?

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Search Ask A Vet Question:

Dr. Marie was quick to respond and thorough in suggesting treatment for my cat. I am so thankful- I have been so worried about my cat. Now I have additional options to discuss with my vet.

The service was incredibly fast and the vet's suggestions were right on target. This was incredibly helpful given that none of the vets in my area, mine now included, will take off hours calls now.

Quick news: -
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Dr. MarieDr. Marie is a veterinarian who practices in a busy animal hospital in Ottawa, Ontario. She created Ask A Vet Question as a resource for good, accurate veterinary advice online. Dr. Marie treats dogs, cats, hamsters, guinea pigs, and rats. She has been a vet since 1999.

Is an online vet visit just as good as a trip to your veterinarian? No! But, many times, asking an online veterinarian a question can help save you money. While Dr. Marie can't officially diagnose your pet or prescribe medications, she can often advise you on whether a vet visit is necessary. You can also ask Dr. Marie for a second opinion on your pet's condition.