Questions about older cats:

N/A question:Few months ago, there is a small tiny transparent bubble grow under the skin below Fei Meow's left eye. I left it to observe. And now it became a tiny little black dot, little swollen (not completely ...

question:About two weeks ago we took my cat to the vet, he has a abscess near his bottom, the vet has given him multiple antibiotics but nothing is working, the abscess is ozing and he is not eating or drinking much at all. we have tried to feed him everything, but nothing works, hes getting very thin. what else can we do?

DSH question:Dr. Marie, Misto is a 9-year-old, 15-pound domestic shorthair, house-only cat who lives with me in Dallas, Texas. He developed serious asthma (or some other, similar problem) about 8 months ago. (I...

Brown Tiger question:i have a indoor cat - about 10 years old... she had been staying in our basement because she is very timid and scared of the dog (beagle-poodle) who would playfully chase her... she is a l...

mixed... question:my cat just had dental surgery. After about a week I noticed she was still listless and not having bowel movements so I took her to the vet. After an exam the vet noticed an enlargement. She di...

Persian, angora mix question:My husband and I put down our Ivy today. It was rather sudden and unexpected and now I am troubled and regretting our decision. Ivy was 11 years old, a playful troublemaker that had no interest in l...

mackrel question:Our 10 year old cat is constipated. How can we help her? She tried to use the catbox but could not move anything.

DSH (unknown mix) question:I was looking at the questions on cats, but couldn't find one that was close to what I'm seeing. I'm fairly sure that Arizona has pollen or dust allergies, but not entirely. Here in the past three ...

Mackerel Tabby question:We adopted Mo 10 years ago from the Humane Society. She was about 6 years old at that time. She's been a wonderful, social, cuddly, sweet cat. About 3-4 years ago, she started pooping outside of he...

mix question:My 15 year old male cat looks and feels like he has lost weight. However, his weight according to the scale remains mostly the same, fluctuating between 9 and 10 pounds, although he has been remaining...

not sure question:My old cat seems to be healthy, he eats well, is blind in one eye but that doesn't cause him any concerns. Lately he has been weeing on any clothes that we leave on the floor in our bedrooms. He has a litter tray which he has used up until now. It only happened once or twice but now he is doing it regularly. He sleeps inside all day while we are at work. Thanks :)

domestic long hair m question:Hi Dr. Marie, I am in a bit of a muddy situation. My client changed vets for ONE of her cats, leaving the old vet after having a messy blowout. She hasn't had the new vet see the other cat yet and th...

Domestic short hair question:My cat got I'll suddenly three weeks ago. Committing, lethargy, diarrhea , lack of appetite. She had a bloody bowel movement. All X-rays and ultrasound were inconclusive. Bloodwork negative for leukem...

mixed breed question:1) My cat is an outdoor cat. I know he is at risk for getting the parasite that causes toxoplasmosis. How concerned should I be about him sitting on things and being inside the house? It seems impo...

domestic question:By accident my Ricky has a blad spot on his tail & i sure hope that it grows back? as, he has been through enough health issues before I adopted him 3 years ago & doing a bit better

Calico question:Hi Dr. Marie, I know you are quite busy with all your other questions and I am sorry to disturb you. This question may be a bit gross, but... My cat well, she has 3 white small bumps on her butt. Th...

domestic short hair question:Hi there, I live in a remote northern community and we do not have a vet here. My 17-yr-old cat has been acting today like she may have a urinary tract infection. She was squatting all over the hou...

tabby question:My 19 year old cat has been ill for some time. For many years I have had to help him go the toilet due to constipation, I also think he suffers from kidney problems. 5 days ago he stopped eating/dri...

Main Coon question:My cat enjoys having his bum smacked over and over. Hard. He's neutered male - he purrs, rubs against me hard and love bits me. He always comes back for more. This is normal? Is it okay? Am I reinforcing bad behavior? Please advise ~Phil

Mix question:I recently noticed two black spots in one of my cat's ears. They haven't always been there and I'm concerned that it could be melanoma. Would it make sense for it to be melanoma when there are two? Th...

DSH question:My cat, who is a 19 year old spayed male we have had his entire life is fairly healthy. He moves around ok, jumps up on the counter etc. We feed him on the counter because of the dogs, he gets Fancy F...

Tabby short hair question:Hello doctor. My question is about my 8-10 year old cat. He has had teeth removed do to neck lesions in the past. He recently had 2 more removed. One being a lower canine tooth. The canine tooth showe...

Short Hair Tabby question:Hi! My cat wont stop scratching himself..he is an indoor cat and it just randomly started about 3 weeks ago. He now has scabs all over his neck and head from scratching I suppose. I put a moon collar ...

question:my cat is constapated is there a laxative for cats what can i do for him to help him use the restroom

domestic shorthair question:I recently noticed that my cat's irises don't match... one is opened wide, the other isn't. I took him to the vet who checked with a penlight and said that both eyes reacted to light, but other than that, he couldn't tell me anything. Should I be concerned?

part simese question:Our 17 year old indoor cat, one of two from the same litter, has always been skinny, but lately she has been eating more and getting skinnier. Of greater concern to us- change in behaviour. She has s...

Tabby question:Our 25 yo orange tiger stripe male developed kidney failure and we had to make the terrible decision of putting him to sleep. He was crying in pain and could no longer walk. I broke my heart. Now our ...

Domestic shorthair question:I have a 10 year old female cat that has never consistently used the litter box in her life. When she was younger and before she was spayed she would pee everywhere and was skittish. Once she was olde...

None question:My cat is almost 18 years old and he has kidney disease. He is on a special diet my vet recommended. Last night he had a seizure for the second time, the first time was 6 weeks ago and I was hoping ...

Domestic shorthair question:Male cat 10 yo & neutered has enlarged pancreas and spleen, slightly enlarged liver. (see ultrasound results below) Abdomen is distended. No pain when pressed. Had a fever starting Mon Jan 23 for a...

Search Ask A Vet Question:

Dr. Marie was quick to respond and thorough in suggesting treatment for my cat. I am so thankful- I have been so worried about my cat. Now I have additional options to discuss with my vet.

The service was incredibly fast and the vet's suggestions were right on target. This was incredibly helpful given that none of the vets in my area, mine now included, will take off hours calls now.

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Dr. MarieDr. Marie is a veterinarian who practices in a busy animal hospital in Ottawa, Ontario. She created Ask A Vet Question as a resource for good, accurate veterinary advice online. Dr. Marie treats dogs, cats, hamsters, guinea pigs, and rats. She has been a vet since 1999.

Is an online vet visit just as good as a trip to your veterinarian? No! But, many times, asking an online veterinarian a question can help save you money. While Dr. Marie can't officially diagnose your pet or prescribe medications, she can often advise you on whether a vet visit is necessary. You can also ask Dr. Marie for a second opinion on your pet's condition.