Questions about puppies:

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pekingese question:Hi, My puppy won't eat and has a soft mushy stool. I just got him Yesterday. Could it be stress or could it be parvo? Thank you

Husky/Rottie Cross question:My puppy recently had to spend a night at the vet, we are pretty sure he just ate something he wasn't suppose to, we think some type of plant. He spent the whole night throwing up and moving around li...

yorkies question:my 3 puppies got parvo last week (6/29/2010)they were only 3 months old and they all made it back to health. how likely is it for them to get it again? thank you

Unknown question:should a boxers ear be cut off or let them grow? and my pets name is not any of your business!

Black Lab question:Tucker is only 8 weeks old, I can't get his needles until this Tues. I think he has parvo. He is very tired,breathing heavy, but not diaharria or vomiting. I am so scared he might have this awful virus.I need an answe asap Thank you

labrador question:We have a litter of labrador puppies. They are 5 and 1/2 weeks old. Can we vaccinate them for parvo a couple of days before they turn 6 weeks old?

Labrador Mix question:Hi, My puppy has a lump on her face at the side just below her eye, Its roughly about the size of a pea and moves slightly, I would like to know what it could be and if its something to worry about. She is a fit, lively and healthy 5 month old puppy. Is there anything you can tell me???

lab mix question:i have a puppy i've had her in the backyard now my sister had an inspection at her apt so i had to take her puppy *they are sisters* well now my sisters dog isn't eating or drinking what do i do? i separated them so i can figure out whats wrong is she missing my sister or sick?

labrador question:my dog died suddenly...... it vomited three time .........then she was not able to stand....... when we took her to vet he gave her glucose...... after an hr she got fits and her body got stiff...........she bleeded from mouth.......i just want to know what really happened to her........... pls solve my query it will give me and my family a great releafe

boston terrier/frenc question:I have a 5 week old puppy, one of 6, he weighs less than 1 pound. My 2 year old picked him up and threw him down tonight and he immediately threw up. Now he is whining occasionaly in pain and scratching at his eyes/ears area. He is walking normally but shaking alot. Do you think he has a concussion or brain injury? No vets are open and i dont know what to do with him..

Yorkiepoopuppy question:I had five yookiepoo pups. One has died. Yesterday was the first day that it acted sick. Weak. Vomiting. I held it most of the day. Feed it some water and pup formula. It took small amounts. Kept this up most of the night. This morn it had passed away. What could this have been. Should I be concerned about the other pups.

Boxer question:My boxer has been getting rashes under her front armpits, this is the 4th time it's occurred. Each time I take her to the vet, they put her on meds and it goes away within a week. I'm tired of doing t...

Boxer question:My puppy accidentally scratched her inner ear, the wound scabbed over but now she keeps reopening the wound by scratching it again, crying whenever she scratches it. How do I stop her from doing this so the wound can heal?

bichon frise question:I have noticed eyelashes on my 11 month old bichon frise and i would love to put some mascara on the tips of her eyelashes, can i do that?(do they sell dog mascara that maybe won't hurt my little dog.) thanks in advance Sabrina, 14 years old.:)

German Shepherd question:My german shepherd gave birth to 9 puppies on June 19, however 1 pup came out with a hole on the top of its head filled with blood and with one eye open. What's wrong with it and what should I do?


Golden question:Hi Dr Marie, Recall my email a couple of weeks ago about Max and his itchiness. Symptoms: - Nips at fore arm, forelegs, thighs (1-2 x a day). Evidence of non-recent licking on front paw around ...

Blue Nose Pit question:My daughter has a Blue Nose Pit 4 1/2 months old female she has a great appetite and goes crazy for her puppy treats about two hours ago I found her under my bed and she would not come out I pulled he...

Pichapoo question:Well yesterday my presious had puppys she had two, and about two to three hours later she had one more witch makes three and the pup is weak and does not know how to feed.ive boughten her some puppy formula but she wont drink it ,she's also way smaller then the other pups somethings wrong with her. i dont know if she'll make it. sincerly, JONATHAN

Shuzzitszu question:Charlie has possibly caught ear mites. He his continuously scratching for minutes with whimpering My Neighbour had the ear drops from a Vet I cleaned his ears there was dry blood. I have been using th...

Chihuahua question:Hi, I have a 10 years old chihuahua, she has no obvious health issues other than the recently acquired inguinal hernia. I've booked an surgical appointment for hernia repair early next week. The ve...

lakeland patterdale question:hi basil got away from me last night down near the woods he returned about 30 mins later carring his rear left leg he is un able to put any weight on his leg i know that it is not broken and he does not seem in any pain as he is still playfull but if i push against his pad he does not try to push away unlike his other side and i was just wondering what the problem might be and what i should do ?

Lab/Heeler/Aussie question:Yesterday my husband and I purchased our new family addition and his brother. Last night,the first night, Beau had a watery, peanut butter, colored bowel movement in comparison to his brothers of the ...

chihuahua x pomerani question:Hi There, I found a few drops of blood last night in and near my puppies poo. Not sure if I should be worried. I tried something new for both of my puppies (they are the same age) for their food...

Pomeranian question:I recently sold an 11 week old pomeranian on January 24, 2010 due to allergies. I had to re-sell the pomeranian, but was the puppy had already been dewormed and had his first shots. Unfortunately,...

Poodle/Terrier Mix question:I took my dog to get some shots earlier today and to get some tests done. They drew blood from her front right leg to do a heart worm test and it seemed like they had trouble drawing the blood cause i...

boxer question:I own a white female boxer. She born in oct. 30,2009. I notice when she's sleeping her respiration most of the time is very fast and she have a loud snoring and sometimes her tong is out, also during the day she have hippcups. she is very happy puppie but i'm worry about this matter.

Shih Tzu question:I have two shih tzu's from the same litter. They were born on 1/29/09, so they are days away from their first birthday. I called the vet to schedule a check up (I thought they needed one at the 1 year...

Maltese question:I recently purchased a new Maltese puppy. When we brought him home he had some bloody diarrhea. I need to mention that my husband is in the service and we are currently stationed in South Korea. I too...

english bulldog question:Hello, My English bulldog puppy has been diagnosed with Kennel cough. He has had 10 days of antibiotics and now I am using an aerosol with antibiotic and phlegm liquifier in it which he uses 2x a d...

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Dr. MarieDr. Marie is a veterinarian who practices in a busy animal hospital in Ottawa, Ontario. She created Ask A Vet Question as a resource for good, accurate veterinary advice online. Dr. Marie treats dogs, cats, hamsters, guinea pigs, and rats. She has been a vet since 1999.

Is an online vet visit just as good as a trip to your veterinarian? No! But, many times, asking an online veterinarian a question can help save you money. While Dr. Marie can't officially diagnose your pet or prescribe medications, she can often advise you on whether a vet visit is necessary. You can also ask Dr. Marie for a second opinion on your pet's condition.