Questions about puppies:

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Mix pug/other question:We think our 11-week-old puppy ate an Imodium. He weighs 6.5 pounds. Do we need to induce vomiting? It's been within the last 2 and a half hours. I saw similar incidents online, but for bigger dogs. Thanks for your help TJ

GERMAN SHEPHERD question:Hello my name is nick and i have a purebred west german shepherd from working lines. My dog rock just turned 7 months. His left ear is floppy and his right ear stays erect with floppy tips. His left i...

Boston Terrier question:i have a boston terrier that just turned 1 year old (female). at 6 months i took her to get spayed. upon removing her cone 10 days after the operation, i noticed the back of both ears were bald. and s...

Gsd question:Hi dr, Marie, I'm the one that asked about the papaya leaf for cancer. Unfortunately Jacob is not doing well. He is very week since yesterday but a little stronger today which surprised me as bad a...

Shitzu/jack Russell/ question:my dog is crying and has a fever and is very sluggish my wife is pregnant and going through morning sickness so we gave her a bucket to throw up in well our dog got into the bucket and ate it all and since has been crying whimpering and acting very sluggish an is very warm as if it as a fever and took her temperature and it was 100.5 what can i do to help at home

Lab Cross question:Hey Dr. Marie (and Happy Holidays!) I noticed about a week ago while petting my dog that on her rear, right leg she had a small, palpable lump about the size of a pea. It was not visible at the tim...

Old English Sheepdog question:Hi Dr. Marie I have a 10 week old OES pup, male. He is in good weight, healthy coat, clear eyes, normal appetite and activity levels. I bred this puppy so have been with him since birth. He has been...

Pomeranian maltese question:I have a Pomeranian Maltese that gave birth early yesterday morning. When going to the vet I realized one of the two puppies (the male) had a significantly smaller limb(right front). The vet said sh...

shepherd husky mix question:We adopted a female german shepherd husky mix. She is about 9 months old and 35 pounds. We have a lot of fleas in our area. We gave her k9 Advantix II about 10 days ago. She is still scratching a lot....

Havanese question:Hi Dr Marie. We live in Halifax and are buying a pup from a breeder in Winnipeg. I can't find a good answer about shipping the pup. The breeder does it often, and I do trust the breeder; we have a...

Yorkshire Terrier question:Last Saturday night, my dog's stool started looking strange. Pale and very soft, sometimes liquid. The next day he passed at least part of a used tampon that we then realized he had found in a bat...

Border Collie/Englis question:Background: Junior is a rescue. My first dog ever. I got him about 1 month ago, about 2 weeks after he was taken from a high kill shelter. He was neuetered, given a basic vet check, Frontline, Heart...

Toy Poodle question:Good evening! I recently adopted a toy poodle. She is currently 4 months old (DOB 7/13/12). I've had poodles all my life, or I should say my parents have had them - this is the first one that is mi...

mutt, street dog question:I have an around 4 - 6 month old puppy who was a street dog in Dharamsala India. She was diagnosed with distemper. She has nervous spasms/twitches so they put her on epilon and nutritional supplements...

American/blue nose p question:My dog was was in a fight with my roomates dog. He healed up and was himself a few days later. there was some seriouse swelling around his neck now the swelling has all gathered into a softball size knot on his chest. It doesn't bother him, he tries to lick it but he cant reach the spot it is. Should I try to drain it? It is not red or hot to the touch I don't believe it to be an infection.

Lab Mix question:The flea population is horrible in WV this year, like most of the eastern US. We gave our black lab mix Coal, comfortis on July 27 the day after his neuter surgery. I made the mistake of giving it t...

Chihuahua question:Does this sound like a "normal" heart for a 10 week old Chihuahua pup? I know it's probably difficult to tell anything from this, because it was just recorded with a little hand held recorder - not a...

Border Collie question:We have a 10 week old puppy. He got his first set of vaccinations one week ago. Two days ago we noticed a lump under his left arm in his armpit. It is about the size of a pea and a little hard. We...

Chihuahua question:Hello, My wife's puppy is 9 months old. she weighs 3.6 pounds. She needs to get spayed and her baby teeth have not fallen out yet. Her Doctor is recommending that we spay her and remove her baby teeth...

mutt question:My mom's 14 week old puppy got bit by a snake. Didn't see the snake. What should she do?

Pitbull question:My dog is believed to have Lyme disease, her test was negative but our vet thought it might be to soon to show up. She was doing great on doxycycline for a week then went down hill again. Her joints h...

Anerican Bully question:Hi Dr. Marie, My case is probally irrelevant now since my 14 weeks puppy(american bully breed) just passed away all of sudden. I wasnt sastified with the explainations from the vet and animal hospita...

Yorkshire Terrier question:My dog got neutered 10 days ago (Aug 9th) and in a distracted moment he licked the incision and it now looks a little red and in the incision seems like a brown thing or dark red, not sure if it is blood in between it. I have a picuture but I dont know how to send it. Im worried and not sure wht to do. Tks a lot Lucy

cock-a-poo question:My puppy gets annoyed and jealous of me interacting with my cat, especially when I feed the cat. I usually give her a small hand full of Whiskas Kibble, just so she won't feel left out. Is there anything wrong with dogs having a little snack on cat food, if it doesn't spoil there supper?

yorkie-poo question:My yorkie-poo rarely eats. He is currently eating instinct. He eats about 1/2 cup even less a day but does have his normal bowel movements. He drinks his water normally and also has a lot of energy. Doesnt seem sick to me but Im worried about his health.

poodle mix question:I have a seven month old poodle mix puppy with parvovirus. He was a puppy someone was sending to a kill shelter that I took in. I was told he was vaccinated but apparently it was not true. I first no...

Maltese question:My two month maltese male puppy has really bad breath, what can I do? I'm worrying something might happen to him.

Alaskan Malamute and question:Previously I have a Siberian Husky that got food allergy because I kept him on the same dry food and one day he accidently ate the dog food of my mum's dog. Since then I rotate my dog food with three ...

Rar Terrier question:"I have a female Rat Terrier who is 6 months old and I was wondering if its normal that her front private is so huge! please answer!I'm really worried"

boston terrier boston terrier(chelsea) just turned 12 months...for the past week i notice that she lifts her left back leg and can't walk on it....i gently felt it to see if there is any muscle cramp or...

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Dr. Marie was quick to respond and thorough in suggesting treatment for my cat. I am so thankful- I have been so worried about my cat. Now I have additional options to discuss with my vet.

The service was incredibly fast and the vet's suggestions were right on target. This was incredibly helpful given that none of the vets in my area, mine now included, will take off hours calls now.

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Dr. MarieDr. Marie is a veterinarian who practices in a busy animal hospital in Ottawa, Ontario. She created Ask A Vet Question as a resource for good, accurate veterinary advice online. Dr. Marie treats dogs, cats, hamsters, guinea pigs, and rats. She has been a vet since 1999.

Is an online vet visit just as good as a trip to your veterinarian? No! But, many times, asking an online veterinarian a question can help save you money. While Dr. Marie can't officially diagnose your pet or prescribe medications, she can often advise you on whether a vet visit is necessary. You can also ask Dr. Marie for a second opinion on your pet's condition.