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Species: Dog
Breed: Maltese/Yorkie
Age: 3-6 months
Is this spay incision infected? What is this bulge?

Species: Dog
Age: 6-12 months
7 month old puppy stopped eating.

Species: Cat
Breed: Shorthair
Age: 1-2 years
Did my cat suffer after being hit by a car and dying?

Species: Dog
Breed: Mixed 30 lb (German
Age: 2-5 years
Slab fracture on a dog's carnassial tooth.

Species: Dog
Breed: Pomeranian cross kel
Age: 3-6 months
Puppy vomited and became unresponsive.

Species: Cat
Breed: ragdoll mix I believ
Age: 11-15 years
Is my cat masturbating? Why is he kneading and humping things

Species: Dog
Breed: mix pekinese and bor
Age: 2-5 years
Discoid lupus treatment - Is prednisone best?

Species: Dog
Breed: Wired haired Fox Ter
Age: 8-11 years
Allergic dog with extremely itchy legs.

Species: Dog
Breed: Chihuahua
Age: 2-5 years
Possible brain damage in chihuahua after falling from couch.

Species: Dog
Breed: Chihuahua
Age: 3-6 months
Why does my 4 month old chihuahua puppy have diarrhea?

Species: Dog
Breed: Pharaoh Hound Shar P
Age: 11-15 years
Why is UTI back after 2 weeks of Clavamox?

Species: Dog
Breed: Golden Retriever
Age: 8-11 years
Golden retriever is coughing.

Species: Dog
Breed: German Shepherd
Age: 3-6 months
Puppy died after having diarrhea. Now second puppy is sick.

Species: Dog
Breed: Border Collie
Age: 3-6 months
Border collie has weak hind legs and is wobbly occasionally.

Species: Dog
Breed: Mix pug/other
Age: Less than 3 mon
Puppy ate Imodium. What is the toxic dose?

Species: Cat
Breed: Ragamuffin ragdoll
Age: 1-2 years
Pregnant cat has heat symptoms.

Species: Dog
Age: 6-12 months
German Shepherd has one floppy ear. What age do they go up?

Species: Dog
Breed: datschund mix
Age: 8-11 years
Dachshund with seizures. Or is it a back problem?

Species: Dog
Breed: Labrador
Age: 8-11 years
Dog is jaundiced. Very high liver enzymes.

Species: Cat
Breed: DSH
Age: 2-5 years
Cat is eating less and vomiting once a week.

Species: Dog
Breed: Pitbull mix
Age: 1-2 years
What caused liver fracture and death? Did someone kick my dog?

Species: Cat
Breed: cat male
Age: 8-11 years
I hit my cat on the head. Did it cause brain trauma?

Species: Dog
Breed: Jackapoo
Age: 5-8 years
Meaning of occult blood in the urine of a dog?

Species: Dog
Breed: chihuahua
Age: 1-2 years
Is this green floor cleaning solution toxic to pets?

Species: Dog
Breed: Pug
Age: 8-11 years
Pug choked on apple and now has yellow fluid from nose.

Species: Other
Breed: dawrf rabbit
Age: Less than 3 mon
Rabbit is not moving and very sick.

Species: Dog
Breed: chihuahua
Age: 5-8 years
Are these fleas? Did Frontline fail?

Species: Dog
Breed: German Shepherd Lab
Age: 5-8 years
Did high doses of Potassium Bromide cause serious side effects?

Species: Dog
Breed: Most say she's a Rus
Age: 2-5 years
Dog is vomiting and has elevated liver enzymes

Species: Cat
Breed: mix/shorthair
Age: 2-5 years
Eosinophilic Keratitis or Herpes keratitis. What is this stuff on my cat's eye?

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Search Ask A Vet Question:

Dr. Marie was quick to respond and thorough in suggesting treatment for my cat. I am so thankful- I have been so worried about my cat. Now I have additional options to discuss with my vet.

The service was incredibly fast and the vet's suggestions were right on target. This was incredibly helpful given that none of the vets in my area, mine now included, will take off hours calls now.

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  • Ask A Vet Question now has a new site layout!
  • Listen for Dr. Marie on 580 CFRA radio in Ottawa on "Ask the Veterinarian" with John Counsell.

Dr. MarieDr. Marie is a veterinarian who practices in a busy animal hospital in Ottawa, Ontario. She created Ask A Vet Question as a resource for good, accurate veterinary advice online. Dr. Marie treats dogs, cats, hamsters, guinea pigs, and rats. She has been a vet since 1999.

Is an online vet visit just as good as a trip to your veterinarian? No! But, many times, asking an online veterinarian a question can help save you money. While Dr. Marie can't officially diagnose your pet or prescribe medications, she can often advise you on whether a vet visit is necessary. You can also ask Dr. Marie for a second opinion on your pet's condition.